Prendre RDV

Schedule an appointment at an office/ by phone/ by videocall:

  • Étape 2 - Je m'identifie et valide mon RDV

Meet a lawyer in Paris 16

AGN Avocats makes law easier:

  • A local service: an office near you
  • A lawyer will call you back within 48 hours to schedule an appointment
  • A consultation at 75 € for individuals, 120 € for professionals
  • Quality services thanks to the common commitments of the AGN network
  • Transparent fees with our packages & detailed quotations

Contact our law firm in Paris 16


Find out more about AGN Avocats in Paris 16

AGN Avocats Paris 16 provides all the services offered within the AGN network.

Ms Diane Visinet

Mr Valentin Mangenot

Ms Marine De Brem

Ms Maïa Spy

Mr Baptiste Guérard

Mr Marc Viltart

Mr Marc Timmermans

Ms Jérôme Célié

Mr Philippe Charles

Mr Antonin Cubertafond

Ms Emma Verdier-Villet

Ms Emna Farah-de Matos

Mr Simon Vandeweeghe

Ms Clémentine Behar

Mr François Lacoste

Ms Marion Narran-Finkelstein

Mr Jérémie Nataf

Ms Nathalie Sainte Rose Meril

Me Arthur Lerre

Me Emel Ozdemir-Ciftçi

Me Betty Borne

Me Hélène Geissman

Me Aurélie Duron-Harmand

Me Pierre Darbo

Our Law Firm in Video


Find a lawyer in Paris 16

How does it work to consult an AGN lawyer in Paris 16?

How to quickly get a lawyer in Paris 16 ?

The network of AGN offices allows you to schedule an appointment with a lawyer in Paris 16 within 48 hours. Our lawyers are available, attentive, transparent and of high quality. To quickly make a request for an appointment, schedule an appointment online.

How much does a consultation with a lawyer in Paris 16 cost?

Throughout the AGN Avocats network, your first appointment with a lawyer is at a fixed price. The consultation with a lawyer in Paris 16 (or in the whole of France) is 75€ for individuals and 120€ for professionals.

How to choose a lawyer in Paris 16?

Several lawyers manage each AGN Avocats office. Each lawyer has different expertise, which may overlap. By choosing AGN Avocats, you make sure that a complete team of lawyers, always adapted to your needs, will accompany you. Whatever the nature of the case you are going to entrust to your AGN lawyer in Paris 16, his colleagues will be there to support him. The geographical location of our AGN law firm in Paris 8 allows us to be close to our clients.
Finally, the fees charged are fixed and identical for each area of law.

How does AGN Avocats Paris 16 work?

AGN Avocats Paris 8, like each AGN office, operates in the following manner:
1. the lawyers in each office are selected by the AGN management team to ensure a high quality of service
2. booking an appointment is easy and quick: you can just do it from this website
3. the price of the first appointment is fixed: 75€ for individuals and 120€ for companies
4. depending on the nature of the case to be handled, you have the possibility of consulting a lawyer who is an expert in each area of law, within the AGN Avocats network


Contact AGN Avocats Paris 16

A team of lawyers in Paris 16, at your disposal and available

Paris 16

188, boulevard Victor Hugo
– 75016 Paris

+33 (0) 9 72 34 24 72 (Call center)

01 42 30 50 50 (Office)

Monday to Friday 08h30-19h00
Saturday by appointment

AGN’s commitments

Committed lawyers at your disposal in Paris 16

AGN Avocats makes law easier.



AGN lawyers are close to you, to make law easily accessible for you.


You are informed of AGN lawyers’ fees before any commitment. Our fees are always fixed and all-inclusive.


AGN lawyers are committed to providing you with a high quality service throughout the national territory.


AGN lawyers will make sure to offer you an appointment and to respond to any request within 48 hours.

Nos domaines de compétence

Une réponse juridique spécifique à chaque questionnement

Les domaines de droit proposés par le réseau AGN Avocats aux particuliers et aux professionnels

Affaires familiales

En matière de droit de la famille, le réseau AGN Avocats vous propose une assistance juridique à chaque étape de votre vie, vie de couple, enfants, séparation, succession.

Droit du Travail

Les avocats du réseau AGN vous accompagnent à chaque étape de la relation de travail, de la conclusion d’un contrat jusqu’à sa rupture.


Le réseau AGN Avocats vous accompagne lors de l’acquisition, de la location ou de la vente d’un bien immobilier.


Le réseau AGN Avocats accompagne les particuliers comme les professionnels pour toute difficulté fiscale ou pour l’optimisation de leur patrimoine.

Responsabilité u0026 Assurance

Victime d’un dommage qui nécessite une indemnisation ? Mis en cause par un tiers ayant subit un préjudice ? Dans ces circonstances, le réseau AGN Avocats vous accompagne.

Contrats u0026 Consommation

Les droits et obligations qui découlent des contrats signés chaque jour doivent être bien compris ou défendus. Le réseau AGN Avocats est là pour vous aider.

Création d'entreprises

Les avocats AGN, eux-mêmes entrepreneurs, vous accompagnent pour trouver une information pertinente et centralisée sur les implications juridiques, fiscales, sociales et contractuelles d’une création d’entreprise.

Droit des Affaires

Les avocats AGN sont aux côtés des entreprises et des entrepreneurs pour les accompagner pendant toutes les étapes de leur développement, de la création à l’aboutissement de leurs projets.

Les conseils d’un avocatrnsous 48h

À Paris 15, le réseau AGN Avocats vous simplifie le droit