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How can I split up with my partner in a civil partnership (PACS)?

You are in a civil union? But you want to end the PACS? Your partner does not agree on the separation? How do you proceed?

Since November 1, 2017, the registration of PACS is carried out at the town hall and no longer in courts.

Understanding the termination of a civil solidarity pact (PACS)

My partner and I agree to end the PACS

All you have to do is make a joint written declaration to the Civil Registry Officer of the place of registration. In this declaration, you indicate that you wish to end your PACS by mutual agreement.

You send your request to the registrar by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, enclosing a photocopy of your identity document. You title this request : ” Déclaration conjointe de dissolution de PACS “.

The registrar will record the declaration and proceed with the formalities of publicity. He will send you a receipt of this declaration.

The notary can also register your dissolution of PACS and give you a receipt and inform the registrar.

My spouse refuses to terminate the PACS

You can unilaterally decide to dissolve your PACS if your spouse does not agree.  You must notify your partner of your decision to dissolve through a bailiff.

You then send a copy of this notification to the registrar of the place where the agreement was registered or to your notary who registered the agreement. The registrar will record the declaration. They will then proceed with the formalities of publicity.

The dissolution of the PACS is effective from the date of registration. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that the notification made to your partner of your request to dissolve the PACS is transmitted to the registrar.

We remind you that with regard to third parties, the dissolution of your PACS will come into effect on the date of completion of the publicity formalities.

You wish to break up your PACS ? But your spouse refuses this separation? Contact an AGN network lawyer in your area, who will handle the dissolution of your PACS.

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